How to Identify a Fraudulent Cash Offer for Your Home When selling a home, the prospect of receiving a cash offer might sound enticing. Yet one needs to be aware that this could potentially be a fraudulent scheme rather than an authentic proposal. So how can you tell if the offer is genuine or not? To help you avoid risky transactions, here are a few crucial tips to keep in mind before selling your home for cash. With these tactics, you can stay informed and secure while ensuring that everything is legal. Have People Been Calling and Offering You Cash for Your Home? Even Though It Isn’t For Sale? If you have not listed your home for sale, yet are receiving unsolicited phone calls from individuals who promise to purchase it with cash, be aware: this could very well be a scam. In addition, letters and text messages are also common modes of solicitation. Generally, these requests are from: Sadly, the majority of these individuals are attempting to exploit you. It may appear that they’re doing you a service, but really it’s an illusion. They will try to convince you that the amount of money they are offering for your home…